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Déglise, Frédéric ; Feld, Niels ; Jin, Fangzhou
Moving lemmas and the homotopy coniveau tower
(preprint: arXiv:2303.15906 [math.AG], 2023, 15 pages)

Déglise, Frédéric ; Feld, Niels ; Jin, Fangzhou
Perverse homotopy heart and MW-modules
(preprint: arXiv:2210.14832 [math.AG], 2022, 81 pages)

Feld, Niels
Transfers on Milnor-Witt K-theory

Tohoku Mathematical Journal
(preprint: arXiv:2011.01311 [math.AG], 2021)

Feld, Niels
MW-homotopy sheaves and Morel generalized transfers

Adv. Math. 393, Article ID 108094, 46 p. (2021)
(preprint: arXiv:2007.15069 [math.AG])

Feld, Niels
Morel homotopy modules and Milnor-Witt cycle modules

Doc. Math. Journal Profile 26, 617-659 (2021)
(preprint: arXiv:1912.12680 [math.AG])

Feld, Niels
Milnor-Witt cycle modules. (English) Zbl 07173201
J. Pure Appl. Algebra 224, No. 7, Article ID 106298, 44 p. (2020)
(preprint: arXiv:1811.12163 [math.AG])


​Milnor-Witt sheaves and modules

PhD dissertation, 2021

​Le motif de Rost d'une forme de Pfister

Master's thesis, supervised by Frédéric Déglise, 2017

​Entre logique et topoï : le topos effectif

Internship report, supervised by Laurent Regnier, 2016

​Algèbres centrales simples et groupes de Brauer

Internship report, supervised by Gregory Berhuy, 2015

Elements de Mathématiques - Exercices (d'après N. Bourbaki)

Solutions of some exercices from the work of N. Bourbaki, 2014

Pólya fait du coloriage

Undergraduate work (TIPE) about Pólya enumeration theorem, 2013

Construction à la règle et au compas

Undergraduated work (TIPE) about straightedge and compass construction, 2012

©2020 by Niels Feld.

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